Platform Selection foor first campaign

Sold Out Forums Community Platform Selection foor first campaign

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  • #2406

    Hi everyone, 

    For my first campaigns I am using the following platform
    for my offers I am using Max bounty and for my traffic I a musing Rich Ads and concentrating on mobile. 

    does anyone have experience with these platforms. 

    I am looking at starting with the following offers, Surveys, dating and downloads/insdtalls

    Support Staff

    Hi Jonny,
    It’s great that you’re taking action!
    However, the best way to get results with the program is by following the program. 🙂
    Rich Ads isn’t part of the CPA Evolution program and I don’t have personal experience working with them.
    I think it’s important that you try different things in the future, but for getting started I suggest that you stick with the platforms covered in the program.
    If you need help to define what platform and strategy best suits you, just submit a support ticket and I’ll help you!

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