SOI Campaigns but prohibits certain words

Sold Out Forums Community SOI Campaigns but prohibits certain words

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  • #3066
    Marisa Drake

    If email is clearly for chance to win a GC but Campaigns specified:  Cannot use the words – free, win, won, winner, claim, etc. in your ad copy, domain, verbiage, etc to promote this campaign. Any leads generated with the use of these words will not be paid for. No brand / trademark bidding.  What are alternative ways to convey that they can submit for an opportunity to win?   ==> Opportunity to receive?  See if you qualify to receive?  

    Marisa Drake

    Oh, I think the above restricted word list only applies to searches, so does that just mean we can’t use those words for PPC ads on like Google & Bing?

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    That applies for all campaigns. But you can use, for example “get a chance to win”, instead of just “win”.
    Some of the prizes have requirements and some of them have purchase requirements, so advertisers don’t want affiliates to state that people will win for sure after they just opt-in. So, you have to pitch the offers telling people that they can win, but not implying that they will win for sure just for submitting the email (submitting the email is the first step, but not the only requirement for the prize).

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    It seems that only “No brand / trademark bidding” is referring to search specifically. The rest probably applies for all traffic sources for the reason I explained above.
    Many offers have this rule and you won’t have problems with you just tell people that they “can win” or “will have a chance to win”, instead of stating that they will win (which may sound like it’s guaranteed without any requirements).

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