Will Facebook Ads Still be Effective During the Switch to Web 3.0? What Changes do we Need to make to our Ads?

Sold Out Forums Community Will Facebook Ads Still be Effective During the Switch to Web 3.0? What Changes do we Need to make to our Ads?

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  • #2886
    Support Staff

    Hi Jeffrey,
    The transition to Web3 isn’t very clear yet. We see crypto, blockchains, NFTs, but it’s still hard to understand how everything will fit together and what services will have large adotpion.
    In any case, Web3 is something that will develop along the next years and it will most likely be a very gradual change.
    At the moment, Facebook continues to be the biggest social media platform and also one of the companies ahead in the race for Web3.
    Although it’s impossible to say how the internet or Facebook will be in 5 or 10 years from now, it’s a fact that their advertising platform offers great opportunities for CPA marketers and internet marketers in general at this moment.
    I don’t think you need to make any specific changes in your ads now, but if new strategies eventually replace the ones we use for Facebook ads nowadays, this program will certainly receive updates!

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