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  • in reply to: Are there any OTS training other than Gaming? #4142
    Support Staff

    Hi Paul,
    You can promote offers in anu niche. I had to pick an offer for the OTS example and it was a gaming offer, but it could’ve been an offer in a different niche… health, BizOpp, survey, insurance, etc.
    So, yes, you can promote business related offers.
    The process is the same for any niche: pick an offer, find an angle, create a lander and start testing ads.
    If you send me a support request with more details on the offers you’d like to promote and the CPA networks you’ve joined, I’ll assist you with the next steps.

    in reply to: How much Ad Spend before optimization? #4107
    Support Staff

    Hi Stephen,
    You can evaluate an ad’s performance (CTR, quality ranking) after 1,500 – 2,000 impressions. So, when your ads reach that point you can already start optmizing them.
    For landers, 25 – 30 clicks (if you’re promoting free lead gen offers) is alredy enough for the first changes.

    in reply to: BeMob Native ad tracker #4078
    Support Staff

    Hi Ted,
    BeMob has very detailed tutorials.
    Normally, you can search on Google to find the tutorials, which I think is easier than searching directly on their documentation.
    For example, if you search on Google for “bemob add traffic source” (without quotes) you’ll find a step-by-step tutorial with screenshots showing you exactly where to click.
    I use both BeMob and Voluum myself, so feel free to send me any questions you have about these tools.

    in reply to: Applied For 4 , Two Approved Within 6 hours #4073
    Support Staff

    Congratulations, Gary!
    Most networks just want to confirm that you are who you claim to be as they have issues with people creating fake accounts.
    You can also follow up with the other companies to get more approvals.
    Keep me posted and don’t hesitate to get in touch when you have questions or start working on your first campaigns!

    in reply to: Real Estate Agent Marketing and special ad category #3935
    Support Staff

    Hi Timothy,
    Here FB describes all the ads that fall in the housing special category:

    If your ad fits any of them, there’s not a way around it.
    If not, it may be a matter of rewording the ad.
    Send me support request with your images and copy and I’ll help you with this!

    in reply to: First Month's Results #3906
    Support Staff

    Thanks for the update, Kenneth!
    And, yes, we will get there! You’re applying the method correctly and generating conversions, so it’s just a matter of finding a winner that you can optimize and scale big!

    in reply to: outbrain pixel #3888
    Support Staff

    Hi Myrna,
    It depends on what type of campaign you’re running.
    If you’re using a tracker, you can track your campaign using your tracker only and ignore Outbrain’s pixel.
    If you’re capturing emails and your campaign goal is to generate subscribers, you can place it on your thank you page.
    In general, if you’re promoting a CPA offer directly, you’ll ignore Outbrain’s pixel. You’ll send conversions to Outbrain via a postabck URL. Here’s a tutorial showing how to set up a postabck URL on Outbrain:
    What you’ll do is create that URL and add the URL to your offer on the CPA network as a postaback for reporting conversions to. Then, your CPA network will send conversion information directly to Outbrain.

    in reply to: How is it going everyone? #3874
    Support Staff

    @Manuel – Check my reply to Lynette above to see what CPA Fiery is and how it compares to CPA Evolution. CPA Fiery isn’t available now, but we will make it available again soon.

    in reply to: MaxBounty Application #3861
    Support Staff

    Congratulations! MB is a great network!

    in reply to: How is it going everyone? #3849
    Support Staff

    Thank you for such a great (and detailed) post, Zach!
    Most people never take the time to share their results and help others, so I really appreciate your willingness to do it.
    @Lynette – CPA Fiery is a more advanced training that we released a few weeks ago. It was a 7 day seminar on advanced CPA strategies and tools. We’re planning a second edition or will be making the recording of the first edition available soon. But don’t worry, it’s kind of a second step that you should consider after implementing the methods in the CPA Evolution program. What Zach did (to start with CPA Evolution and use CPA Fiery for scaling the campaigns) is a great way to build a solid CPA business!

    in reply to: CPC #3840
    Support Staff

    Hi Kenneth,
    It’s hard to answer this question without more details. If you submit a campaign analysis request I’ll be able to assist you better.
    First, you need to see if it’s the link click CTR or the CTR (all) that’s at 6%. The link click CTR is more relevant for traffic campaigns.
    Second, you should consider the conversion rate and LP CTR. I normally consider anything below 30% as a low landing page CTR, but many landers give me way more than that (60% – 75%). If the LP CTR or the conversion rate are too low, it may be an issue with the targeting or a matter of split-testing other offers.
    Another factor is the placement that you’re using (it may be possible to use a cheaper one). Another one if the time the ad has been running, because ads that keep a good CTR for more days tend to lower the CPC over time.
    That’s why a campaign analysis request would allow me to give you more precise advice.

    in reply to: MaxBounty Application #3839
    Support Staff


    in reply to: MaxBounty Application #3837
    Support Staff

    Hi Prosper,
    Networks normally confirm the receipt of the application by email. Check your spam folder.
    And make sure to contact them upfront to speed up the approval process!

    in reply to: How is it going everyone? #3830
    Support Staff

    Awesome, David! Let’s keep working together on your campaigns and we will soon achieve even better results!

    in reply to: Running Multiple Ads #3822
    Support Staff

    Yes, you can run all ads at the same time.

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