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  • in reply to: SOI Campaigns but prohibits certain words #3077
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    It seems that only “No brand / trademark bidding” is referring to search specifically. The rest probably applies for all traffic sources for the reason I explained above.
    Many offers have this rule and you won’t have problems with you just tell people that they “can win” or “will have a chance to win”, instead of stating that they will win (which may sound like it’s guaranteed without any requirements).

    in reply to: SOI Campaigns but prohibits certain words #3071
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    That applies for all campaigns. But you can use, for example “get a chance to win”, instead of just “win”.
    Some of the prizes have requirements and some of them have purchase requirements, so advertisers don’t want affiliates to state that people will win for sure after they just opt-in. So, you have to pitch the offers telling people that they can win, but not implying that they will win for sure just for submitting the email (submitting the email is the first step, but not the only requirement for the prize).

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can run campaigns in different niches to see which one you’ll prefer.
    I think that discarding a niche based on your very first campaign (not only in that niche, but your first CPA campaign ever) may be a bit premature, but, yes, testing different possibilities and choosing the one you prefer is certainly not a problem.

    in reply to: Sample Landing Pages #3039
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can do it. I suggest that you use those sample/preview links for doing it and not your own affiliate link. This way, it won’t look like you’re trying to generate fake leads for commissions.

    in reply to: Sample Landing Pages #3036
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can, but use the sample link and not your actual affiliate link. This way, it won’t look like you’re trying to submit a fake lead to earn commissions.

    in reply to: Sample Landing Pages #3033
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Those are previews of the offer’s page. Your affiliate link will point to those pages (some offers allow the affiliate to use different variations of the page by passing a parameter via the URL).
    When I talk about landing pages in the lessons here, I’m usually referring to the intermediate page that you create.
    Ad -> Your intermediate page -> Offer’s page
    This is the flow I recommend for most methods in the program.
    By having your own landing pages you:
    * Protect your advertising acocunts – Most CPA networks have blacklisted domains as tons of affiliates use those domains and not always in a lega/ethical way. When you use your landing page, you submit a different domain with your ads. On Facebook, for example, trying to direct link would most likely lead to a ban. So, your landing pages protect your account.
    * Increase conversions – most CPA offers receive traffic from many affiliates who use different angles, traffic sources, ads, landing pages, etc. Therefore, the offers need to have very general pages that work only as registration pages. Specific information there could make the pages a bad fit for some of the traffic and limit what the affiliates can do when promoting them. For example, if a survey offer says on its page that it’s great for retirees, other affiliates targeting different audiences such as unemplyed people or college students wouldn’t be able to send their traffic to that page. Another good analogy is comparing landing page and offer with sales page and checkout page. If you get an email for buying an internet marketing course and, after clicking the link, go directly to the Paypal checkout, would you be likely to buy? Probably not. But, if instead of sending you directly to Paypal, the seller decided to send you to a sales page that would explain to you why you need the course, his chances of getting the conversion would increase. It’s the same with CPA offers, but, because they require simple actions to convert, we can use simple landing pages instead of long sales pages.
    I hope it helps!

    Support Staff

    Thank you, Marisa!
    It’s great to know that you’re enjoying the program and support.
    I have received your new campaign and will get back to you asap!

    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    You’ll eventually stumble some scammers on CPA networks, Clickbank, Amazon… unfortunstely, they exist everywhere.
    However, the vast majority of the offers on the top companies are legit.
    Of course, many offers will have requirements for a prize. Some smaller prizes don’t have purchase requirements, but many do.
    No company or individual will be giving away hundreds of Playstations 5 or $1,000 gift cards for nothing. The interesting thing is that many of those offers will have purchase requirements that are less expensive than what they’re giving away. For example, one may qualify for a $1,000 gift card by spending $300 on other items. And they have many options, so many peole find things that they’re interested in buying and they get 2x or 3x their investment back with a gift card.
    Merchants are willing to pay more than they make with an initial purchase for the chance to get a new customer, so that’s how this math is possible.
    I don’t see this model as a scam and nor does the law in most countries as this business model is perfectly legal.
    As a personal opinion, I don’t think it is unethical either.
    Regarding survey sites, they normally pay per survey or other similar activities. It’s not a lot of money, of course, but many people do it during their spare time and get a few hundred extra dollars per month and win some other rewards as well (free subscriptions, product samples, etc).
    I don’t think that’s a scammy model either and it’s certainly not ilegal in most places.
    I’m not sure if you have been a customer for a survey website or registered for a freebie offer in the past and had a bad experience, but there are many legit companies that create this type of offer and make money with them.
    Regarding the angle part, I understand that this can be a bit tricky the first time you’re doing it, but as you get used to the process it becomes very easy. You’ll actually start to come up with angles instantly after looking at some offers.
    In fact, your example for baby products isn’t bad.
    The angle is a benefit of your offer that can be very relevant for a specific audience.
    For example, if you target moms who are in a financial situation that’s not very comfortable and perhaps who are staying at home (unemployed) to take care of their babies, they might be benefit from a a chance to win baby product samples.
    Women who are in their first pregnancy and looking to learn more about new baby products might also be happy to test some great products without having to pay for them.
    You can submit your first campaigns for review before actually running them. I’ll then review them and help you with improving angle and copy.

    in reply to: MaxBounty Request For Approval #3017
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    Yes, you can choose social for the traffic.
    For the creative, you can always choose raw link. It will give you just the affiliate link, which you can then put on your landing page.

    in reply to: MaxBounty restrictions #3012
    Support Staff

    Hi Tom,
    Yes, you’d be ok with a lander, but those restrictions are for pop traffic only. We don’t cover pop traffic in this training at the moment, so that doesn’t apply to CPA Evolution strategies.

    in reply to: Difference between CPA Evolution and CPA Fiery #3011
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    CPA Evolution is a coaching program that covers many strategies for starting a CPA business.
    CPA Fiery will be a 7 day seminar that will cover some advanced tools and 2 methods with amazing potential for scaling.
    They can complement each other, but one isn’t a requirement for the other and you can certainly focus on CPA Evolution first. CPA Evolution has been creating full-time CPA marketers since 2014 and this is the first time the CPA Fiery seminar is taking place, so definitely not mandatory. 🙂

    in reply to: Campaign Analysis #3004
    Support Staff

    No questions are silly!
    And the best way to submit your campaign for review is by submitting a support ticket.
    When you click to go to the support page, on top you’ll find a link showing what information you should submit.
    The best way to do it is to use that checklist as if it were a form. Just copy and paste it in your message and then add your metrics to it and submit the ticket.
    You can submit the campaigns both before running them and when you already have some numbers to start the optimization.

    in reply to: Facebook no longer offers affinity scores #3003
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    That’s a good question!
    In fact, that lesson will be uodated within the next 30 days to reflect the new audience insights interface.
    But i’ll be happy to assist you here in the meantime.
    You can access audience insights here:

    Then, make sure that you use these options:
    When you click to filter the audience, you’ll be able to add some demographics, location and, most importantly, interests. Add interests that are relevant for the offer you’ll be promoting and then scroll down to the “Top pages” section.
    If you add just few interests, you’ll see only some general stuff there such as “Amazon”, simply because many people in the US like Amazon and it will be considered somehow related to almost any other interest.
    However, as you add more interests, you’ll start to see some relevant pages there that can help you come up with potential audiences and more interests to target.
    The way Facebook ranks those top pages is pretty much in the same way they used to apply the affinity metric.
    Hope it helps!

    Support Staff

    Hi Abraham,
    Those are nice angles actually!
    Unfortunately, most internet marketing courses don’t teach people how to elaborate angles, even though the guys selling those courses always use solid angles for doing it.
    Because of that, many people are not familiar with this concept and need some time to fully understand it.
    It’s normal and as you start running your campaigns it will become more and more natural for you.
    But you’re actually having a pretty good start as the angles you came up with are good.
    I’d just make a small adjustment in the 3rd one: People with no money to buy who like to play video games.
    And to mention another angle possibility, you could also target PS4 players who might be interested in an upgrade without paying an arm and a leg for it.
    Keep me posted via the support section and I’ll help you with your campaigns!

    in reply to: Weekly Webinars #2987
    Support Staff

    Hi Marisa,
    We have live CPA Evolution training sessions every 2 weeks, always on Thursday and we alternate between 11am and 6pm ET.
    All webinars are recorded and you can find them under “Resources -> Webinars”.

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