OTS Case Studies

Welcome to this new section! Here you will find some over-the-shoulder campaigns that will help you understand the details of the process of setting up campaigns.

Welcome to the OTS campaigns section

Welcome to the OTS campaigns section

Welcome to the OTS Campaigns section! Before going through the campaigns, please, watch the welcome video below to understand how the OTS campaigns will work…

Gaming on Facebook – Introduction

Gaming on Facebook – Introduction

Welcome to the first campaign of the OTS section! Please, watch the video below to ensure that you take the maximum out of this experience.…

Gaming on Facebook – Choosing an offer

Gaming on Facebook – Choosing an offer

This video will show you what factors I take into consideration when choosing an offer to run on Facebook. https://player.vimeo.com/video/172501247

Gaming on Facebook – Researching an angle

Gaming on Facebook – Researching an angle

This video will show you how to research an angle for a gaming campaign on Facebook. https://player.vimeo.com/video/172982237

Gaming on Facebook – Creating a landing page

Gaming on Facebook – Creating a landing page

This video will show you how to create a landing page for a gaming campaign on Facebook. https://player.vimeo.com/video/173974371

Gaming on Facebook – Setting up a campaign

Gaming on Facebook – Setting up a campaign

This video will show you how to set up a campaign on Facebook. https://player.vimeo.com/video/174282596

Gaming on Facebook – Initial results

Gaming on Facebook – Initial results

This video will show you the initial results of the campaign. https://player.vimeo.com/video/174575987

Gaming on Facebook – Split-testing ads

Gaming on Facebook – Split-testing ads

This video will show you how I create ads for gaming offers to split-test them on the campaign. https://player.vimeo.com/video/176409969

Gaming on Facebook – Data analysis and optimization

Gaming on Facebook – Data analysis and optimization

This video will show you how you can use your campaign data to predict what will happen in the next days and how much money…

Gaming on Facebook – Campaign results & lessons learned

Gaming on Facebook – Campaign results & lessons learned

This video will show you the results of the campaign after the optimization as well as some important lessons learned during this OTS case study.…

Video Marketing – Introduction

Video Marketing – Introduction

Welcome to this new campaign of the OTS section! Please, watch the video below to ensure that you take the maximum out of this experience.…

Video Marketing – Choose the niche

Video Marketing – Choose the niche

Welcome to this new campaign of the OTS section! Please, watch the video below to ensure that you take the maximum out of this experience.…

Video Marketing – We’ve got a niche!

Video Marketing – We’ve got a niche!

This is just a quick update to let you know that the students chose the “dating” niche and that I’ll be getting the YouTube channel…

Video Marketing – YouTube channel

Video Marketing – YouTube channel

YouTube channel created! Ready to get started with the videos. https://player.vimeo.com/video/189067796

Video Marketing – First videos

Video Marketing – First videos

This is a quick update to show the first videos that I created for the YouTube channel: Click here to see the videos As you…

Video Marketing – Tools

Video Marketing – Tools

Hello CPA Evolutioneers! A few days ago I just uploaded the first videos to my channel (check the previous update if you missed it) and…

Video Marketing – New video

Video Marketing – New video

Hey, I just posted a new video on the channel. You can check it out here: Click here As you can see, none of my…

Video Marketing – Landing page

Video Marketing – Landing page

Hello CPA Evolutioneers! So, I am back to this OTS case study… to rock it and show you how to make money with video marketing!…

Video Marketing – New video

Video Marketing – New video

Hey, I just posted a new video on the YouTube channel: Click here to watch it The channel already has 4 videos now, which is…

Video Marketing – Social Media Syndication

Video Marketing – Social Media Syndication

Hey, This is just a quick update to let you know that I’ve done the social syndication for the videos on my channel. This is…

Video Marketing – Campaign results & lessons learned

Video Marketing – Campaign results & lessons learned

Welcome to the final video of this OTS campaign! Check out the video below to see the results and understand how you can replicate this…