Resources: Common questions

Here you will find the most common questions and answers of this module’s strategy

This is a very important section as it contains the most common questions that CPA Evolutioneers have after they start running CPA campaigns on Facebook for the first time.

Of course, you can always get help by using the “Support” section or by making a post in the community.

But, sometimes, the fastest way to get clarify a doubt is simply to check out this section and see if your question is in the FAQ.

This way, you can get an instant answer to your question and keep working on your campaigns with no interruption!

In case you don’t find an answer here, the second fastest way to get an answer is to try to use Google.

If you’re not familiar with a term, for example, Google may be of great help and also provide you with an instant answer to your question.

If you still have a question after using this section and searching on Google, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with your coach!

Frequent Asked Questions

Can I direct link or should I always use a landing page?
You should always use a landing page. No exception. A landing page will allow you to properly pre-sell the offer and keep your Facebook ads account safe. You can click here to watch the recording of a webinar where I explain this in details.

What is the ideal potential reach for a campaign on Facebook?
The minimum should 30,000 people, less than that may be not worth it as the campaign will be short living. There’s no maximum, but it’s important to ensure that the campaign is targeted and the audience isn’t too broad. Remember that you should always have a specific angle and target a specific audience with a common interest/problem.

Can I promote offers that are not SOI (Single Opt-In)?
Yes, absolutely. SOI offers tend to be a bit cheaper to test and starting with them is usually a good idea. But it doesn’t mean that DOI, CPP and other offers are not good. If you have a strong angle for the offer, give it ago. Just avoid offers that require a payment from the end-user to convert.

Can I promote “make money online” offers on Facebook?
You can, but you need to be careful. Don’t promise people exact figures, don’t make exaggerated claims and don’t promote shady offers. When promoting survey offers tell people that they can earn rewards and don’t focus too much on the money aspect.

How many images, copies and landing pages should I split-test initially?
You don’t have to split-test too many ads and landing pages in the beginning. You can start with one landing page and one copy and test a few different images. Set up 1 campaign, 1 ad set and 3 or 4 ads under the ad set (same copy, different images). Once you start gathering data, you can start tweaking and testing the other elements. You can click here to watch webinar recordings where I cover split-testing in more details.

Do I need a tracking tool for optimizing the campaigns?
Good news! You don’t. Not for simple angle-oriented campaigns on Facebook. You can just get your metrics and do manual optimization. You can click here to watch a webinar recording where I cover this in more details. Also, have a look at the materials under the “Resources” section and you’ll find more information on optimization and controlling metrics.

Will I get my Facebook Ads account banned if I promote CPA offers with it?
The short answer I no. If you follow the instructions EXACTLY as they are in the training, this isn’t likely to happen. However, Facebook’s behavior isn’t always predictable, so it’s not possible to guarantee 100%. The chance of it happening (assuming that you implement the raining correctly) is minimal, but not completely inexistent (technically, any advertiser is at risk, even if it’s a very small tiny risk). If it happens, though, don’t worry, it’s possible to get a new Facebook Ads account as explained in this video.

Should I create a new Facebook Ads account right away to be safe in case of an eventual ban?
It’s not advisable, but it’s possible. You don’t have to do it, but if you decide to do it, make sure to use the right process and create a new account that Facebook can’t associate with the old one as it’s against Facebook’s terms to have multiple accounts. You can click here to watch a video on how to create a new Facebook Ads account.

Where can I find or edit images to use with my Facebook ads?
You can click here to watch a video that explains how to find images and here to watch a video that explains how toedit them for free.