Task 1: Prepare Your Facebook Ad Account

Before you get started with Facebook advertising, it’s important that you ensure that your account is properly set up.

We have put together a PDF guide that helps with both properly setting up accounts and, for those who have lost their accounts before joining the program, creating new accounts.

It’s advisable that you read the PDF here.

Follow the instructions there to have a personal or business account properly set up.

And, yes, you can use a personal account now, Facebook is no longer trying to enforce business accounts for all advertisers. It’s just important that you set up the account in the best way possible in your situation and the PDF will help you with that.

Another big concern people have is regarding the updates on iOS that started on version 14.

It’s still confusing for many advertisers, so if you don’t understand those changes and how they can affect your advertising experience on Facebook, make sure to check out this video and PDF guide, too.

If you have any questions, just use the support area.

Your task: get your account ready to start advertising on Facebook.