Task 5: Configure tracking


Here you’ll learn how to set up tracking for your Outbrain campaigns.


Tracking is crucial for native campaigns.

No native ad campaign will start off with a positive ROI. All campaigns require proper optimization for becoming profitable.

For doing this proper optimization, you’ll need to know where your conversions are coming from. You’ll need to find out what websites and placements are sending good traffic as well as what ads are performing better and what landing pages are pitching the offer more efficiently.

This is exactly what a tracking tool will do for you.

The main trackers in the market for using with native ad campaigns are Voluum, RedTrack and BeMob.

BeMob is the only one that has a free starting plan. For this reason, we recommend that you start with it and avoid additional expenses before you make your first campaigns profitable.

We also have a complete tutorial on setting up tracking with BeMob.

Click here to check out the BeMob training module and learn how to configure it.

You’ll need to integrate BeMob with Outbrain as well as with your landing page and CPA network.

All the steps are covered in the BeMob training module. Watch the lessons there, follow all the steps and return to this training module once done.


No complementary training is necessary for this task.


Go to the BeMob module, configure tracking for your native ad campaign and then return to this module.

Once you’re done, CLICK HERE to go to the next task.