Task 7: Optimize your campaigns


Optimize your campaign to improve ROAS (Return-On-Ad-Spend) and make it profitable.


This is the most important step of the process.


To understand how optimization works and why it’s important, you first need to understand how Taboola generates traffic for you.

Taboola has a network of publishers, which are websites and apps that display Taboola ads.

It means that, as soon as your campaign starts running, your ads will start being displayed on those websites and apps (the ones that fit your campaign targeting, of course).

However, not all websites and apps will have the same performance. Some of them will generate conversions for you, but others (most) won’t.

In order to make your campaign profitable, you’ll need to filter out bad publishers.

Also, your ads won’t have an equal performance. Some of them will perform well and others won’t, which means you’ll need to filter out bad ads, too.

For you to get rid of bad publishers and ads and properly optimize your campaigns, you’ll need to implement certain optimization rules.

Rules should be implemented constantly. You can apply them to your campaign more than once a day.

It’s also an optimization rule that will determine when you should pause a campaign and move on.

And, yes, this ca happen. Not every campaign is a winner. We can’t predict for sure which campaigns will be profitable and which ones will be losers.

Having the right process ensures that you can always find some winners when testing campaigns, but it won’t give you super powers to predict the outcome of a campaign with 100% accuracy before even running the campaign.

On average, 1 out of 3 or 4 campaigns turns a profit.

We call those campaigns winners.

One winner can be scaled to 3 or even 4 figures a day, generating hundreds or even thousands of dollars in return for every buck spent on testing the losers.

The idea of this game is to lose small and win big.

Ok, ready for learning the optimization rules?

If so, hit the play button and watch the video!


    No complementary lessons are necessary.


    Congratulations on completing this training module!

    The next step now is to set up more campaigns.

    Create and test more campaigns and you’ll soon have a bunch of winners for scaling and profiting from.