Training Videos & Tutorials

Here you will find many different types of resources that can help you with the campaigns such as scripts, templates, tutorials, etc.

iOS14 – What Changes On Facebook?

iOS14 – What Changes On Facebook?

Many things have been said about the iOS14 update and how it may affect your ad campaigns on Facebook. Honestly, most videos and posts out…

Combining CPA with other businesses

Combining CPA with other businesses

In this video you’ll learn how to combine the power of CPA marketing with other online business models. No matter what you’re doing… generating leads…

The Truth About EPCs

The Truth About EPCs

Is the EPC a reliable metric? Watch this video to find out!

What Next After Training

What Next After Training

Done going through the training? See what to do next!

Where To Get Free Images

Where To Get Free Images

If you’ve been having problems to find good free images for your ad campaigns, check out the video below!

Angle & Positioning

Angle & Positioning

Learn how you can find the right angle for your campaigns and create the perfect message that will make your audience complete your offers.

The 3 Ms of Marketing

The 3 Ms of Marketing

The 3 Ms of marketing: the 3 things you have to keep in mind when building a marketing business.

Quick Guide For Getting Fast Approvals With CPA Networks

Quick Guide For Getting Fast Approvals With CPA Networks

This is a quick guide that will help you when submitting applications with CPA networks. Make sure to take 5 minutes of your time to…

Goal When Choosing An Offer

Goal When Choosing An Offer

This video will show what should be your initial goal when choosing an offer to promote.

How To Control Your Metrics

How To Control Your Metrics

On this video you will learn how to control your metrics and optimize your campaigns.

Postback URL

Postback URL

On this video you will learn how to use a Postback URL.

How To Create CAs and LLAs

How To Create CAs and LLAs

Here you’lllearn how you can use a smart technique to get better results with your campaigns. Afer you run a few campaigns in the same…

How To Install your Facebook pixel

How To Install your Facebook pixel

Your Facebook pixel will help you optimize your campaigns in the future. By placing the FB pixel on your landing page, you’ll allow Facebook to…