Video Marketing – Social Media Syndication

Hey, This is just a quick update to let you know that I’ve done the social syndication for the videos on my channel.

This is not a mandatory step, but it does help with rankings and you should do it if possible.

It’s pretty simple, can be done manually and takes just a few minutes.

The social media syndication is nothing but making one post on each of the biggest social networks with a quick descriptions and a link to the video.

You can create the accounts and then do it manually every time you upload a new video to your channel. It shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes.

I personally do it using Video Wave (a software that I recommended here some time ago), because it allows me to make all the posts from inside the software without having to actually log in into each account.

See how it looks like:

But, as I said, it’s possible to do it 100% manually and without buying any paid tool.

Some of the videos are already getting the initial traffic and I’m starting to see some subscribers on the autoresponder, so in a couple days or so I’ll send the first broadcast and will make a post here with all the details and results!