Task 4: Define your angle & targeting

Here you will learn how to choose the angle of your campaign, which is a key element.

This is a very important lesson and task, so make sure to pay close attention to the video below!

The angle is a core element of the campaign and it basically determines who (audience) you’ll be targeting with your campaign and how you’ll be presenting the offer to people.

If you’ve never learned about choosing angles for your campaigns, you may need to watch this video a few times and practice a bit to become good at picking angles, but the good news is that the lack of good angles may be very well the reason why you haven’t been achieving much success with your online ventures.

Once you learn how to pick solid angles for your campaigns, you’ll have mastered a vital skill for becoming successful not only with internet marketing, but with online advertising in general.

Also very important is to know what audience to target.

Having the right offer won’t be enough if you present it to the wrong audience.

The video will also show you how to determine the targeting of your campaign so that you can ensure that people seeing your ad will be interested in the offer you’re advertising.

Your task: Make some research about your offer on Google (don’t be lazy! Researching is very important for building efficient campaigns) as well as about other similar products or services. Understand who’s normally interested in that type of product and then understand what are the main benefits that people are looking for when they use the product (the problems that the product can solve). Then, come up with a nice angle for your campaign. Don’t be afraid to make a mistake and choose a bad angle, you’ll get better as you practice and a campaign with an angle will always be better than a campaign with no angle at all.

Your task: once you have an angle, determine the targeting that you’ll be using to reach a specific and relevant audience on Facebook. Think about the demographics and interests that you can use to avoid targeting a general audience and hitting the nail on the head!

Here are other videos that can help you come up with good angles: video 1video 2.