Task 9: Test and optimize

Here you will learn how to analyze the campaigns and optimize them.

This is one of the most crucial parts of the process… and where many beginners fail!

So, make sure to pay close attention to the video below and understand all the important rules for optimizing your Facebook Ads campaigns.

The truth is that almost no campaign starts with a positive ROI right out of the gate.

New campaign tend to have a very high cost-per-click, low CTR and few conversions or no conversions at all.

If you give up on your campaigns every time they don’t produce results right out of the gate, you’ll end up killing all your winners.

The key for making the campaigns (the ones that have potential to be winners) profitable is to properly optimize them.

For this reason, as soon as you start getting some data (impressions, clicks, relevance score, etc) with your campaigns, you should start the optimization process.

The video below will show you the main metrics that you have to control and how you can optimize them for making the numbers work in your favor.

After you watch that video, you can also watch some additional videos on optimization:

How to control your metrics

Facebook – Basic optimization

Your task: start optimizing your campaign and, if you feel that you need help to analyze your data and determine the next steps, use the Campaign Analyzer (under “Support”) to get help from your coach.